Expo Fairy Godmother

Reviews of products sold at expos and more by an average runner. Make me your guinea pig!

RunDisney Expo Necklaces Review

“Would you like to purchase a commemorative necklace?” If you’ve registered for a RunDisney race, you’ve seen this question. The commemorative race necklaces are sold both through an online pre-order with pick up at bib pick up or in the official Disney merchandise section on the expo floor. They currently cost $16.95. For my first several races, these were must-have items, but are they really worth their price tag?

Inaugural Tink necklace

Inaugural Tink necklace

I bought my first necklace at the inaugural Tinker Bell in 2012. The pendants and necklace both felt like they were made of pewter. The labels don’t specify the metal content. The chains were smooth but have a tendency to twist and tangle. The biggest news with these necklaces came a few weeks after the race. Many runners posted online that the metal was rubbing off the back of their pendants. If you look at the pictures of the reverse side of my Tinker Bell pendants, you’ll see the small patches where the silver-colored coating had rubbed off of mine. The solution for the problem is easy. Just apply a generous coat of clear nail polish before wearing it. This will not fix a necklace that has already been damaged by wear, so it didn’t help me.

2014 Avengers Half Marathon necklace

2014 Avengers Half Marathon necklace

I recently bought a new pendant at the Avengers Half Marathon. Disney has definitely changed the manufacturing process for both pendant and chain. Both are significantly lighter. The chain no longer twists and tangles, but the clasp frequently catches my hair. It’s more than a little annoying. I don’t wear it more than one day at a time because of this. The pendants have not shown any sign of losing their coating. Also, the designs are much sharper and contain greater detail work. In daily wear, the newer pendants are noisy, noticeably so. They made enough of a clatter to draw attention and prompt people around me to ask what necklace I was wearing. Are you looking for a conversation starter to help you talk to that hottie in your office? Maybe this is exactly what you need. Personally, I find it annoying and distracting. wpid-20150215_111702.jpg Overall: You get what you pay for. I can’t be terribly disappointed since I paid less than $20 for the necklaces, but I won’t be buying them in future. I’d only recommend them to runners who are caught in the grip of race excitement who are looking for a modestly priced souvenir that won’t see everyday wear.

One comment on “RunDisney Expo Necklaces Review

  1. radgeekyrose
    June 4, 2015

    It’s true they are rather noisy. It’s funny how I jingle while I walk.


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